Suffocating, yes that’s what it feels like to live in this delusional world

Sometimes I don’t understand the purpose of human existence. I mean, what’s the point of this delusional life where humans are suffering everywhere and everything is all about give and take. Where humans are treated or judged by their standard of living. And relationships are solely based on how understanding you are when it comes to saying yes to the other person.

Where love is such an overrated word and you see people saying or falling in love and doing everything else other than love. Emotions are child’s play, and they are easy to ignore until they are not yours.

I feel like, in this world, we humans are caged inside the bars of honor and desires of our superiors. And we are welcomed only when we keep ourselves aligned with the respectable customs of our society. It just seems like we’re prisoners in this free world where we were born by the will of all almighty and torn by the ignorance of the astute. We have been guided but still lost in our journey. We’re loved but still crave for more. We’re good, but not good enough.

Suffocating, yes that’s what it feels like to live in this delusional world. Do you feel suffocated sometimes too????

P. S

And I don’t want the world to see me
‘Cause I don’t think that they’d understand

Iris ” Goo Goo Dolls ”

34 thoughts on “Suffocating, yes that’s what it feels like to live in this delusional world

  1. Wanderer says:

    I love this. I feel the same. You can’t have a free thought and people will judge you immediately if you support something that is out of the ordinary. It’s so frustrating sometimes. Reminds me of an old quote taken from the works of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai. It goes something like “God , please don’t make me a wise woman because wise ones suffer a lot”. I mean when you see the world as how it really is you understand that there is going to be suffering. That’s why there is a saying that ignorance is bliss, I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rameen says:

      Seriously, people snap immediately when you say something out of the ordinary. And I guess it’s probably because of the lack of acceptability our society has in general. We are living in the time where we have everything so advanced, technology on point, education standards have improved a lot, living conditions have gotten so better but human minds are still caged and decisions are still being made in accordance to the old references.Thus individuals who have got themselves out of their mind cage suffers alott. And these quotes are incredibly amazing. Surely wise one suffers a lot and indeed ignorance is a bliss.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Shewrites369 says:

    Sometimes we are stuck in a tough situation or with rough people or just the time is wrong but that doesn’t mean whole world is a depressing place. How big the world is, with n number of people, how could everyone be sad. People are celebrating and living their lives and we should try to do same, in our limited boundaries we should try to create a happy space. People who think differently have always suffered but it is only these people who have dreamt differently and brought changes in the world around.
    Stay positive

    Liked by 1 person

  3. anxietyandadventures says:

    Fantastic and thought-provoking post! I often feel suffocated by societal pressures and standards of what “success” is. To me, success if being happy and spreading love to others. It seems society has differing values- success can mean your income, career, your material possessions. It can be truly overwhelming to try to be successful in both your own eyes and the eyes of the world.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Rameen says:

      Thank you so much for taking your time to read my posts. That’s very generous of you. And I’m so glad that you are appreciating the efforts that I put in my posts. It’s very encouraging for me. Stay blessed.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Paul Sunstone says:

    A thought-provoking post! I don’t entirely share your view of things. I share it to some significant extent, but I think I tend to see both the thorns and the flower, so to speak.

    On another blog, you mentioned that you turned down a corporate job just after graduating with your MBA because you realized the corporate world wasn’t for you. That resonated with me, and led me to follow you back to your blog. I once sometime long ago owned and operated my own business. I thought for sometime I was very happy with that life, but when I got out from under it at last, I felt myself liberated.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rameen says:

      I appreciate your view of things. In fact it takes a lot more courage to have this kind of balanced view. I must say, it’s incredibly amazing.

      And wow Paul your journey is so inspiring. I must say that you are a very brave person. And I’m so glad that you are happy with your decision. Because I have learnt this in life that you can only live fully when you are true to yourself.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Paul Sunstone says:

        Rameen, you have become the most dangerous thing on earth – a person who is true to herself. No government, no organized religion, and no political party will fail to be suspicious of you. Only the strongest, most confident lovers will want you now, but man will they want you! You will mean more to them than wealth, fame, or power.

        Look at Cleopatra. Her portraits show her as plain looking, but the great men of her time fell in love with her because she was one of the few women of her age who were true to themselves. Who were authentic.

        Even if for some reason you return to the business world now, you will do it on your own terms. You have chosen a tough road for yourself by being true to you, but I think it is the most rewarding road you could have chosen in life.

        Bronnie Ware, an Australian nurse, would ask her dying patients if they had any regrets in life. The most common regret they had was that they had not been true to themselves, that they had lived up to other people’s standards rather than lived up to their own.

        I write quite a bit about authenticity on my blog. I write about it for people like you. Here is one of my best, albeit one of my longest, posts on the topic. Please do not feel obligated to read it. Read it only if you’re interested.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Rameen says:

        Paul you are so wonderful with your words. I was reading your comment and I felt like, I was seeing my reflection in the mirror, portrayed so perfectly.

        And the references that you have quoted are so amazing. It would be best to say that you have just given me another reason or opportunity to believe in myself.

        I’m truly humbled by your kind words and I would love to read your post. I am already feeling very excited.

        Thank you so much for your feedback. Blessings to you.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Paul Sunstone says:

    I am overwhelmed by the generosity of your compliments. Thank you so much for them. If anything I have said helps you, that would make me happy.

    I have tried living both inauthentically and authentically and I now prefer authentically. It is not the easy route, but I think it is the best.


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